The comprehensive approach to player development.

Comprehensive isn't a junk term. We truly cover the bases when developing athletes. Each athlete can expect an evaluation that includes movement assessment, video skill analysis, as well as batted ball metrics and data (on site only). Skill development in baseball is so complex that it is important that we address the 1) movement mechanics and skills themselves, 2) the body and its ability to produce force by way of baseball-specific fitness, and 3) tie in the mentality and approach it takes to be successful. These are the three pillars of development at Rounding Third Baseball Performance.


Unable to make it to CO?

No problem. We do remote development training programs with only minimal equipment needed and you still recieve quality face-to-face instruction. Call 970.217.4604

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In Colorado Area/coming to CO?

Great! We can schedule individualized sessions catered to your young athletes development. Call for program rates.


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