2 staple exercises for baseball training

These are great exercises as part of a complete baseball training program. I chose to isolate these two because of the "bang for your buck" in overall functional baseball movement stimulus. I feel many baseball movements I try to teach in the swinging and throwing motions can be greatly improved through proper resistance training. Sometimes it is the only way an athlete can feel the movements. I can't tell you how many times the light bulb goes off for an athlete who really learns a training movement well, then has that feeling translate into his baseball movements on the field. If you train with me, you will be completing these movements as part of my development program. Enjoy!

Yoga Push-Up:

This is a quick video on how to do a solid yoga push-up from Cressey Performance. This is a great staple exercise for baseball training due to the stability it takes to control the motion well and the stimulation that the entire body gets during the motion. It involves a gradual stretching of the posterior chain, anterior core activation, and eccentric extension of the shoulder girdle.

One arm dumbbell row:

The single arm dumbbell row is a great way to train 1) to strengthen the scapular region for efficient throwing and hitting patterns and 2) to establish proprioception and feel for chaotic loading, slotting and separating movements in the swing and throw.  



Video resource: Eric Cressey (Cressey Performance)


Biomechanics of the Baseball Swing- Video


Lehmen's Baseball- Understanding Deceleration in Baseball